Our Pricing

Submit Manuscript

Please kindly use the form below or send your manuscript as attachment to the following e-mail addresse; submit@pearlediting.org or pearleditsubmit@gmail.com providing the following information;

  1. Manuscript title
  2. Journal article will be published
  3. Subject area
  4. Service type
  5. Desired turnaround time(Standard or Express)

Submision Form
Valid Attachment Types: xlsx, xls, txt, doc, jpg, png, gif, docx
Max size per file: 2048kb.
Max combined file size: 2048kb.
Your Name: *
Your Email: *
Attach File:
Attach File:
Your Message:*

If you have further inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us through this email address: info@pearlediting.org

Depending on the urgency of your request, you may also choose between standard service that will deliver your paper back within 5 days and Express service that will deliver your paper back within a speedy 48 hours.
